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Core Values and Principles

Software Quality Lab Academy represents a progressive and positive company and business culture towards customers, employees and partners.

Wir leben Qualität und überzeugen durch fachliche Kompetenz.

  • Unsere Kunden können von uns qualitativ hochwertige Seminarleistungen erwarten.
  • Seminare bieten wir nur unter der Voraussetzung an, dass unsere Mitarbeiter die dafür erforderlichen Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen mitbringen.
  • Für unsere Kunden verbessern wir laufend unser Wissen und Können.
  • Präzision und Aufmerksamkeit für jedes Detail ist ein wichtiges Prinzip unserer Arbeitsleistungen.
  • Wir stellen an uns selbst höchste Qualitätsansprüche.
  • Wir wollen Wissen und Erfahrung vermitteln.
  • Die Kenntnis von etablierten und anerkannten Methoden aber auch von neuen Trends und Entwicklungen ist für uns selbstverständlich.
  • Wir sind bestrebt, methodische Entwicklungen durch unsere Mitarbeit zu unterstützen und zu prägen. Daher arbeiten wir in fachlich relevanten Gremien und Arbeitsgruppen aktiv mit.

Motivated employees are our factor of success.

  • Our motivated team is the basis of successful project execution and satisfied customers.
  • An open communication structure forms the appropriate framework for motivation and cooperation in the long term.
  • Modern work equipment and free space are conducive to independent and flexible working.
  • Community activities strengthen the team spirit which leads¬–paired with social skills–to shared success.

Partnership and cooperation are the foundation of shared success.

  • In fair cooperation with our customers we implement their wishes and needs effectively and efficiently to their entire satisfaction.
  • Our commitment is reliable.
  • Teamwork is crucial and characterized by a fair and cooperative working climate.

Active employees conclude projects effectively and efficiently.

  • For our customer’s benefit projects are being implemented efficiently and effectively.
  • We approach the doing of projects and commit ourselves to the best possible solution.
  • In order to identify potential for improvement early we think outside the box.
  • Our employees improve their skills steadily and are actively engaged in research projects and studies. Therefore they are always methodically and technologically up to date.

We provide trust by integrity.

  • Mutual trust and a respectful contact are very important to us.
  • We keep all internal processes of our customers in confidence.
  • We only recommend our services if our customers can benefit from it.
  • Realistic service, time and cost estimates are a matter of course.

Ethical and social responsibilities are essential.

  • We respect human dignity.
  • We feel obliged to social values and principles like environmental protection, sustainable economic management and  the adherence of ethical principles.
  • For us as a company social responsibility  is implicit.